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Equality, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The overall objective of The Whitchurch Church of England Federation is to provide a framework for the Federation to pursue its equality duties to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; promote equality of access and opportunity; and promote good relations and positive attitudes between people of diverse backgrounds in all its activities.

The principles of this statement apply to all members of the extended community – pupils, staff, governors, parents and community members. Partners and contractors are also expected to abide by the policy.

We will not tolerate less favourable treatment of anyone on the grounds of gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, age, and religion or belief.

Through our Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, The Whitchurch Church of England Federation seeks to ensure that no member of the Federation community, or any person through their contact with the Federation, receives less favourable treatment on any grounds which cannot be shown to be justified. This covers race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, gender, marital status, responsibility for children or other dependents, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, trade union or political activities, socioeconomic background, where the person lives, or, spent convictions. Equality and Diversity is more than just meeting legal obligations, or targets, it’s about making a difference to the lives of the people we serve, treating all people with dignity and respect, and recognising the value of each individual. This means an ongoing commitment to ensuring that our services meet the varied and individual needs of children and young people in our Federation. We will make sure that our employment practices are fair and promote equality. We will actively value the wide variety of lifestyles and cultures, locally and nationally. We will prepare children and young people for living in a diverse society with increasing global connections and controversial issues. We will ensure that the principles of this statement are reflected in all our policies, practices, procedures and services and are part of everything we do.

Characteristics of the Federation

The Whitchurch Church of England Federation consists of Whitchurch CE Infant & Nursery Academy, which is a three form entry infant school, including a 130 place FTE Nursery and Whitchurch CE Junior Academy which is a three form entry junior school.

The Federation is situated in North Shropshire, 21 miles North of Shrewsbury, 23 miles South of Chester and a mile from the North Welsh border. Whitchurch is a small, market town (see, well connected by rail and road.

The Whitchurch Church of England Federation is the sole primary education provider in Whitchurch and approximately 98% of pupils live in the town.

The Federation serves a mixed catchment area of private and local authority housing estates with the majority of children living in owner-occupied housing. The children come from broadly average socio-economic backgrounds, although there are areas of much higher social deprivation within the town.

Contextual Information - Infant Academy:

The majority of pupils are from a white British background (89%) with the biggest other pupil group being from ‘other white background’ at 6% of pupils, (Inspection Data Summary, June 2021). The academy has 8 out of 17 possible ethnic groups.

The percentage of pupils with statements of SEN/EHC plans is slightly below the national average at 1.5% (national 1.8%). Pupils with SEN Support account for 9.0% of the academy population, below national average figures (national 12.8%). The majority of SEN needs are for speech, language and communication.

Across the Academy, boys (55%) outnumber girls (45%).

The school location deprivation indicator in quintile 3 (average) of all schools. The pupil base is in quintile 3 (average deprivation) of all schools in terms of deprivation.

The IMD (Index of multiple Deprivation) score for the school is 5, however, 19.6% of pupils fall within decile 3 and a further 5% within decile 4. The IDACI score for the school is 6 with 31% of children living in a household with a more deprived income than this.

Approximately 15% of our pupils are entitled to free school meals, (Inspection Data Summary, June 2021).

Contextual data at start of the academic year 2022-2023

Contextual Information - Junior Academy:

The majority of pupils are from a white British background (88%) with the biggest other pupil group being from ‘other white background’ at 7% of pupils, (Inspection Data Summary, January 2020 NB not updated June, 2021). The academy has 7 out of 17 possible ethnic groups.

Currently, 25% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium Grant Funding, with 23% in receipt of Free School Meals. 

The school deprivation indicator remains largely the same, quintile 3. The IDACI score for the school is 6 with approximately one third (31.7%) of pupils living in households where deprivation is higher than average (decile 4), with 18% being measured at decile ‘3’ (where average is 5).  

The percentage of pupils with statements of SEN/EHC plans is slightly below the national average at 1.5%. The number of pupils with SEN Support is ahead of published national data at 16.4%. (Inspection Data Summary, June 2021). The majority of SEN needs are for speech, language and communication.

Approximately 8% of our pupils have English as an additional language which is significantly below national averages.

Current data indicates that boys (52%) outnumber girls (48%) across the academy.



Contextual data at start of the academic year 2022-2023

Equality Objectives 2022-23

Equality objective 1:

Through our vision and values we will promote a sense of community and living well together, upholding dignity and valuing all God’s children. We will provide opportunities for all children to understand, respect and celebrate difference and diversity.

Equality objective 2:

To track and monitor disadvantaged groups throughout the school in both attainment and progress. This will inform provision and intervention and ensure vulnerable children who are not yet meeting age related expectations are identified and support is put in place to address any challenges to learning.


Equality objective 3:

To improve the attendance of all groups of children in line with national expectations.


Contact Us

Whitchurch CE Infant and Nursery Academy

Mrs S Camacho


T: 01948662905


Whitchurch CE Junior Academy

Mrs S Camacho


T: 01948662255


© Copyright 2019 by The Whitchurch Church of England Federation. 

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If you require paper copies of any information, please contact the academy offices.

For more updates follow us on social media

Facebook: Whitchurch CE Fed

Whitchurch CE Infant & Nursery and Whitchurch CE Junior Academies are operated by St Bart’s Multi-Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 08735454.


Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP

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